Geoff Taylor
The Twilight of Briareus
The original artwork for 'The Twilight of Briareus' signed by Geoff Taylor 
The Twilight of Briareus Indoctrinaire
PAN 0330 260227 from 1980  PAN 0330 256084 from 1979 
The Custodians 
The original artwork for 'The Custodians' signed by Geoff Taylor 
The Custodians  The Custodians 
PAN 0330 253646 from 1978 signed by author and cover artist. 
A Pistol in Greenyards
PAN Piccolo 0330 254871 from 1983
The Shape of Sex To Come  The Shape of Sex To Come
A cover for 0330 250914 from 1978 that was not used.
The Shape of Sex To Come
The artist of the cover that was used remains a mystery. Any suggestions?
The Shape of Sex To Come The Shape of Sex To Come 
Search Press 9781 84448 6915 from 2011  Corgi  0552 993948 from 1991
The Haunted Mountain
Fontana Lions  0006 722245 from 1986