Alan Bott MC
1893 - 1952
Founder of PAN Books Ltd.

1893 Born 14th Jan. at
1915 He joined the Royal Garrison Artillery 1916
Moved to the Royal Flying Corps as a member of the 70th. Squadron (Umpty
Squadron) in April. He was credited with 5 'kills' during the time
he was in France.
2 Sep 1916 1905 70 Sopwith 1½ Strutter (A892)
Fokker E (DES) Bourlon Wood
2 Sep 1916 1925 70 Sopwith 1½ Strutter (A892) Fokker E (OOC) Ytres-Sailly
15 Sep 1916 1840 70 Sopwith 1½ Strutter (A892) Fokker E (DES) Hendicourt
14 Apr 1918 1755 111 Nieuport (B3595) C (FTL-DES) NE of Arsum
15 Apr 1918 1700 111 Nieuport (B3595) C (DES) SE of Tul Keram
Whilst serving with the 70th he wrote the book
An Airman's Outings With The RFC
under the pseudonym 'Contact'
This was published in America in 1918 as
Cavalry of the Clouds
1918 It was after
he joined the 111th Squadron that Captain Bott crashed in the desert on
April 22nd. and became imprisoned by the Turks. He later wrote
about his escape to Constantinople in
Eastern Flights
1920 - 1926 Alan Bott became Special Correspondent
and Dramatic Critic for various journals.
1926 - 1932 Alan Bott became editor of
The Graphic before it was
taken over and amalgamated with The
He started The Book Society in 1929
1930 Married Josephine Blumenfeld at Petworth in June
1931(2009) Son Simon R A born Sept
1933 Daughter Annabel born Sept
1935 Daughter Susannah E born Sept
1939 Alan Bott started the Reprint Society
1944 Pan Books was registered as a limited company in
September. It was jointly owned by Alan Bott, Chairman and Managing
Director, and The Book Society. He assisted
Charles Ede in setting up the
The Folio
1952 He died 17th. September