Gabriel Garcia Marquez
In Evil Hour
PAN Picador 0330 265962 from 1983
Cover Artist Gary McArver
No One Writes to the Colonel
PAN Picador 0330 256874 from 1984
Cover Artist Gary McArver
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
PAN Picador 0330 280953 from 1983
Cover Artist Gary McArver
Leaf Storm
PAN Picador 0330 256882 from 1979
Cover Artist Gary McArver
Innocent Eredira
PAN Picador 0330 261622 from 1981
Cover Artist Barbara Lofthouse
One Hundred Years of Solitude
PAN Picador 0330 255592 from 1982
Cover Artist ?
The Autumn of the Patriarch
PAN Picador 0330 255606 from 1978
Cover Artist ?