The Colditz Story The Colditz Story
PAN 273 from 1954
Cover Artist
Francis Marshall
The Colditz Story The Colditz Story
Signed by the author. From the PAN Record No 12 January 1954
The Colditz Story The Colditz Story
PAN G197 from 1958
Cover Artist F
rancis Marshall
The Latter Days At Colditz The Latter Days At Colditz
PAN GP37 from 1955
er Artist Sax
The Latter Days At Colditz
Original Artwork by Sax
The Latter Days At Colditz 
From the PAN Record Number 17 September 1955 
Colditz  Colditz 
PAN X206 from 1963
Cover Artist ?
Escape From Coditz 
The 1973 board games devised by Pat Reid
Action Man 
The 1974 Action Man with British and German costumes