Later Authors A to D |
Abrahams Gerald The Pan Book Of Chess 0330 230735
Ainsworth Harrison Old St Paul's
1968 0330 021559
Allen Johannes Young Love
1969 0330 013947
Allen Johannes Tumult 1969 0330 023519
Alexander Joan Thy People, My People
0330 022520 1969
Amis Kingsley & Conquest
Robert Specturm V 1969 033 022369
Amosoff N M The Open Heart 1968
0330 021826
Anet Claude Mayerling 0330 022121 1968
Arnold Elliot A Night Of Watching
1969 0330 022091
Asquith Cynthia The
Ghost Book 1970 0330 025864
Asquith Cynthia The Second Ghost Book 1968 0330 021648
Asquith Cynthia The Third Ghost Book 1968 0330 020617
Atthill Robin The Somerset And
Dorset Railway 1970 0330 024787
Austen Jane Emma 1969 0330
Austen Jane Northanger Abbey
1968 0330 021923
Jane Persuasion 1970 0330 02356X
Baker Peter Casino 1970
0330 025414
Baker Peter Cruise 1969 0330 022903
Balchin Nigel A
Sort Of Traitors 1969 0330 024310
Nigel In The Absence Of Mrs Petersen 1969 0330 022717
Nigel Darkness Falls From The Air 1969 0330 023586
Nigel The Fall Of The Sparrow 1969 0330 023357 1969
Nigel The Small Back Room 1969 0330 022709
Nigel Kings of Infinite Space 1970 0330 024310
Nigel The Borgia Testament 1970 0330 02428
Baldwin Monica I
Leap Over The Wall 1969 0330 100211
Ball John The Cool
Cottontail 1969 0330 023764
Barlow James
One Man In His World 1968 0330 020102
Barlow James The
Burden Of Proof 1970 0330 025740
Bark Conrad Voss The Shepherd File 1968 0330
Bark Conrad Voss See The Living Crocodile 1970 0330 024388
Barker Ralph Great Air Mysteries 1968 0330
Barker Ralph Strike Hard, Strike Sure 1970
0330 025139
Barsley Michael The
Left-Handed Book 1969 0330 023950
Bassett Ronald
Witchfinder General 0330 020803 1968
Bassett Ronald Amorous
Trooper 0330 025783 1970
Baxt George A Queer Kind Of Death 0330 022547
Bennett Arnold The Old Wive's Tale 0330 300040
Bentley Phyllis The
Rise of Henry Morcar 1968 0330 021516
Bentley Phyllis A Man
of His Time 1969 0330 023365
Benzoni Juliette Belle Catherine 1970
0330 020579
Benzoni Juliette Catherine And Arnaud 1969
0330 023799
Benzoni Juliette Catherine One Love Is
Enough 1969 0330 201484
Benzoni Juliette Catherine And A Time For
Love 1970 0330 025295
Bester Alfred The Dark Side Of The Sun 0330
023934 1969
Bickers Richard Townshend Ginger Lacey
Fighter Pilot 0330 024116 1969
Bingham Charlotte Lucinda 0330 022156 1969
Black Dorothy Sisters Three 0330 021214
Braddon Russell The
Naked Island 0330 021699 1968
Braddon Russell Committal Chamber 0330
Bradshaw S The Drugs You Take 0330 021303
Brain Leonard It's A Free Country 0330 021346
Braine John The Crying Game 0330 02549X 1970
Braithwaite E R Choice Of Straws 0330 021079 1968
Brett John Michael A Cargo
Of Spent Evil 0330 0222288 1969
Brickhill Paul Escape
- Or Die 0330 020986 1968
Brinson Peter & Crisp Clement Ballet For All
0330 024302 1970
Iris The House of Conflict 0330 021230 1968
Bromige Iris Fair Prisoner 0330 023543
Buck Pearl S Death In The Castle 0330 02292X 1969
Buck Pearl S East Wind: West Wind 0330 02065X
Buck Pearl S The Bondmaid 0330 021737 1968
Buck Pearl S The Exile 0330
022466 1969
Buck Pearl S The Mother 0330 016067 1969
Burke John The Weekend Girls 0330 021168
Burke John The Bliss of Mrs Blossom 1968 30200005
Burke John The
Smashing Bird I Used To Know 0330 022431 1969
Burke John Tales Of Unease 0330 104829 1979
Burke John More Tales Of Unease 0330
023624 1969
Burke John The Suburbs Of Pleasure 0330
022210 1969
Burke John Gossip To The Grave 0330
025422 1970
Burgess Alan The Word Of
Love 0330 025503 1970
Burgess Alan The Small Woman 0330 10196X
Burgess L W The Pan
Book of Crosswords 1 - 18 1968/69/70
Burgess Robin Junior
Crosswords Book 4 0330 020544 1970
Burgess Robin Junior
Crosswords Book 6 0330 024892 1970
Burns Sheila The Flying Nurse 0330 021222 1968
Burns Sheila The Dary-Eyed Sister 0330
023411 1969
Byrd Elizabeth The Flowers
Of The Forest 0330 024019 1969
Canning Victor The Limbo Line
0330 104233 1966
Canning Victor Double In
Diamonds 0330 021257 1968
Canning Victor The Python
Project 0330 023640 1969
Canning Victor The Melting Man
0330 025384 1970
Carew Tim The Korean War 0330
024744 1970
Carr John
Dickson The House At Satan's Elbow 0330 022571 1969
Carr John Dickson Panic In Box C 0330
024272 1970
Carter Angela Honeybuzzard 0330
020374 1968
Carter Angela The Magic Toyshop
0330 023004 1969
Carter Angela Several Perceptions
0330 025651 1970
Castle John & Hailey Arthur Flight Into Danger
0330 020765
Cassell's Compact English French Dictionary 0330 02535X 1970
Cassell's Compact
English German Dictionary 0330 025368 1970
Catto Max Bird On A Wing 0330 022725 1969
Cavanaugh Arthur The
Children Are Gone 0330 023594 1969
Cavendish Clare The Doctor Next Door 0330023098 1968
Cavendish Richard The
Black Arts 0330 022237 1969
Charteris Leslie The
Brighter Buccaneer 0330 024124 1969
Charteris Leslie The
Saint And Mr Teal 0330 025279 1970
Charteris Leslie The
Saint On TV 0330 025902 1970
Christie Agatha The Man In The Brown Suit
0330 102427 1968
Christie Agatha The
Secret Adversary 0330 102656 1968
Christie Agatha Poirot Investigates 0330 102435 1969
Christie Agatha The Adventure Of The
Christmas Pudding 0330 022601 1969
Christie Agatha Hickory Dickory Dock 0330 103981 1969
Christie Agatha Hercule Poirot's Christmas
0330 107216 1969
Christie Agatha Dumb
Witness 0330 023349 1969
Agatha The Secret Of Chimneys 0330 102834 1969
Christie Agatha Parker Pyne Investigates 0330
020951 1970
Christie Agatha Mrs
McGinty's Dead 0330 025872 1970
Christie Agatha The Listerdale Mystery 30 02504X 1970
Christie Agatha The Mysterious Affair At
Styles 0330 102842 1971
Agatha They Do It With Mirrors 0330 026615 1971
Christie Agatha Cards On The table 0330
02924X 1972
Christie Agatha The Labours
Of Hercules 0330 027808 1973
Christie Agatha The
Murder On The Links 0330 102419 1976
Chichester Francis
Gipsy Moth Circles The World 0330 023276 1969
Chukovskaya Lydia
The Deserted House 0330 021524 1968
Clarke Arthur C A Fall Of
Moondust 0330 023128 1968
Clarke Arthur C The Deep Range 0330 025708 1970
Collier Richard Eagle Day
0330 021052 1968
Collier Richard Eagle Day
0330 021052 1969
Cookridge E H Set
Europe Ablaze 0330 022199 1969
Cooper Richard The
Ironclads Of Cambrai 0330 025791 1970
Conan Doyle Sir
Arthur Adventures Of Gerard 0330 024213 1970
Condon Richard The
Manchurian Candidate 0330 101560 1969
Condon Richard Any God
Will Do 0330 023012 1969
Condon Richard The
Ecstasy Business 0330 025732 1970
Cordell Alexander The
Hosts Of Rebecca 0330 101528 1970
Cordell Alexander The
Bright Cantonese 0330 02437X 1970
Coulter Stephen Death In
The Sun 0330 02485X 1970
Craig William The Fall Of Japan 0330 025430 1970
Creasey John Death Of A Racehorse
020072 1968
Creasey John Murder, London - South
Africa 0330 021982 1968
Creasey John Murder On The
Line 0330 02129X 1968
Creasey John Two For Inspector
West 0330 022334 1969
Creasey John The Case Of The
Innocent Victims 0330 022962 1969
Creasey John The
Scene Of The Crime 0330 023853 1969
Creasey John
Inspector West Regrets 0330 025880 1970
Creasey John
Inspector West Takes Charge 0330 025910 1970
John So Young To Burn 0330 024965 1970
Creasey John
Accident For Inspector West 0330 106198 1970
Cunningham E V Margie 0330
022938 1969
Curry George Copperfield
'70 0330 025430 1970
Davies Paul The Field Of
Waterloo 0330 026011 1970
Del-Rivo Laura Animals 0330 02387X 1970
Devlin Bernadette The Price Of My Soul
0330 024531 1969
Dickens Charles David Copperfield 0330
400055 1967
Dickens Monica The Room Upstairs 0330 02101X 1968
Dickens Monica The Landlord's
Daughter 0330 024868 1970
Diment Adam The Dolly Dolly Spy 0330 021508 1968
Diment Adam The Great Spy Race 0330
022342 1969
Diment Adam The Bang Bang Birds 0330 023829 1969
Doubtfire Dianne The Flesh Is
Strong 0330 021273 1968
Douglas Lloyd C Doctor Hudson's Secret Journal 0330 021486
Douglas Lloyd C Disputed Passage 0330 02017X 1968
Douglas Lloyd C Magnificent Obsession
0330 10148X 1969
Doxat John Booth's Handbook Of
Cocktails and Mixed Drinks 0330 105930 1969
Druon Maurice
Duffield Anne Sugar Island 0330 021176 1968
Duffield Anne
Violetta 0330 021249 1968
Duguid Julian Green Hell 0330 022059 1968
Duncan Jane My Friends The Mrs
Millers 0330 02 0080 1968
Duncan Jane My Friends From
Cairnton 0330 021338 1968
Duncan Jane My Friends The
Miss Boyds 0330020668 1968
Duncan Jane My Friend My
Father 0330 022172 1969
Duncan Jane My Friends The
Macleans 0330 024825 1970