Later Authors P to T |
Vance The Sexual Wilderness 0330 025643 1970
Peter Laurence J & Hull Raymond The Peter Principle 0330
025196 1970
Payne Robert The Rise And Fall Of Stalin
0330 02146X 1968
Phillips C E Lucas Cockleshell Heroes 0330 104586 1970
Phillips Hubert Card Games 0330 201751 1970
Poe Edgar Allan Tales Of Mystery And Imagination
0330 1074101969
Puzo Mario
The Godfather 0330 024574 1970
Slavomir The Long Walk 0330 024973 1970
Richey Paul Fighter Pilot 0330 024051
Pierre & Grandani Antoine Fanina 0330 020404 1968
Sabbagh Pierre & Grandani
Antoine Fanina Child Of Rome 0330 022741 1969
Irwin The Young Lions 0330 400215 1970
Sillitoe Alan The Loneliness Of The Long-Distance Runner
0330 015052 1968
Sillitoe Alan The Ragman's Daughter 0330 104659 1970
Smith Adam The Money Game 0330 025554
Smith Wilbur The
Sound Of Thunder 0330 021354 1970
Snow Peter & Phillips David
Leila's Hijack War 0330 028103 1970
Steinbeck John East Of Eden
0330 300016 1970
Stillman Irwin Maxwell & Baker Samm Sinclair The Doctor's
Quick Weight Loss Diet 0330 024396 1970
Thomas Ross
Rosemary The Fifth Ghost Book 0330
027646 1971
Trevor Elleston Squadron
Airborne 0330 104160 1969
Trevor-Roper Hugh The Last Days Of Hitler 0330 101293 1968
Turner James The Fourth Ghost
Book 0330 020501 1968