Following on from last weeks mentions of Rubik in PAN books here’s another one with a similar slant ‘Folding Frenzy’ by Jeremy Cox from 1981. It reminds me a bit of Rubik’s Snake which I still have somewhere.I have to admit that occasionally I stray and look at other publishers covers and I especially like the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series. My excuse is that some of these were jointly published by PAN/Ballantine and usually list both publishers on the cover.
This week I picked up a copy of ‘The Water of the Wondrous Isles’ by William Morris that appeared to be just a Ballantine but when I opened it I found it said it was PAN/Ballantine. It is printed in the UK but has the Ballantine ISBN on the cover, is this a case of using US covers on UKĀ printed text blocks?
I was also really pleased to hear from James Edwin McConnell’s daughter, Ann, this week This was in response to a blog quite a while ago when I mentioned the cover for ‘Ben-Hur’ was by McConnell and Ann confirmed that her Father always signed ‘Jas’ and not James. She also mentioned there is a book coming out shortly on the work of her Father. If I find out more details I’ll mention it in a future blog plus I’ll make a page to show more of his covers.
Hi Tim,
In response to your question regarding the Ballantine/Pan Adult Fantasy Library. I have copies of Evangeline Walton’s ‘The Island of the Mighty,’ both Pan & Ballantine, the text block is the same. The differences are: title page of the Pan edition shows Pan/Ballantine with Pan’s London address. The copyright page is all British including printed by Richard Clay. The dedication has been reset. The cover for Pan has Pan logo on spine, & where the US copy sports Ballantine Books followed by ISBN it is blocked over by Pan/Ballantine. The Canadian edition shows printed in Canada on the copyright page but is otherwise the same as the US printing.
Hi Fred, Well done, you now hold the record for the fastest, and possibly, the longest, comment about one of my blogs. I know I have this book somewhere so I’ll look it out and see how it compares with your editions. There just seems to be so many variations from these two publishers I think you could have a website just for them in their own right. I did put on a few PAN/Ballantine variations in a blog on Barbara Remington but I think a few more pages are needed. Now to ransack the stacks to see what I can find ……. Thanks again Fred, Cheers, Tim