If there was competition for the most pages in a PAN book I think ‘….And Ladies of the Club’ by Helen Hoover Santmyer (possible contender for longest name as well) would win. The first edition has just 1176 pages but is the larger size whereas the 1988 edition is the more normal size and has 1433 measuring just over two inches thick. I’ve look along the shelves and can’t see anything that comes anywhere near it so at the moment, and unless you know better it is in number one place. The cover of the first edition is by Pam Masco who painted a lot of the PAN covers including Monica Dickens covers and the later is by Stuart Bobek also mentioned previously.
Jane Frank of ‘WOW Art’ is having one of her sales and this time it’s for ‘Halloween’ and I would love to buy the Keith Scaife cover for ‘The Werewolves in London’ but at $800 plus $87 for postage with a $15 discount it’s a bit more than I want to pay.

Having become Grandparents for the first time on the 15th of this month we had to hold off visiting due to me having a cold but by the 27th we had decided I was no longer a risk and journeyed down to Kent to see William. He was named William as there were Williams on both sides of the families although my daughter is already referring to him as ‘Billy’ as the surname is Kitchen and for those aficionados of ‘The Peaky Blinders’ you may remember there was a character by that name who apparently was a real person. Now I don’t want to name drop especially as I think I’ve mentioned this before but my wife was at school with the writer of the ‘Peaky Blinders’ Steven Knight.

Just spotted this on the PAN Macmillan twitter page, well done Adam.