From talking to fellow collectors I know it’s not just me being forced(!) to sit in front of a computer for hours on end as a consequence of COVID-19. On the minus side I know it is proving to be more expensive in terms of purchases but on the plus side feel I am doing my bit by keeping booksellers, the postman and delivery drivers in full employment! I though the above cartoon I found on a book collectors ‘Facebook’ page particularly apt, well it’s how my wife sees it.
Still looking through the negatives Kathy (Sam Peffer’s great niece) kindly gave me and I found one I could link to ‘To Love and be Wise’ by Josephine Tey of which PAN printed at least five editions with different covers between 1953 and 1973. I was also intrigued to see the 1959 edition on the table behind Sam and Roger Hall. It’s almost as it they were sitting in the similar poses to those on the cover.

Picked up yet another signed PAN title inscribed to ‘Celeste’. She has been mentioned before being Celeste Parsons who worked at PAN in the 70’s. The seller also had several more Smith titles all signed to Celeste but I only bought the one as the Kevin Tweddell cover for ‘Cry Wolf’ always make me think of the film ‘Tank Girl’ from 1995.
Hello – I wasn’t sure how to contact you directly, so apologies for using the comments box! I just wanted to let you know that, after a gap of several years there is set to be a Third BHF Book of Horror Stories published. I’ve contributed a story to it, I think it’s due out late July. You can find out more on facebook, the editor is Darrell Buxton.
Hi Jez, Thanks for the news, I’ve dropped you an email as well. Cheers, Tim
UPDATE Hi Jez, Just had the email bounce back as undeliverable to the address that was with your comment. If you want to email me mine is tim@tikit.net Cheers, Tim