PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

Dust Jackets, A Display Card and ‘The Art of Pulp Horror’

Dust jackets, dustjackets or dust wrappers or whatever else you want to call them have been around for a very long time to do just what the name implies. PAN followed Penguin in using DJs on some of their titles but as to which ones seems to be a bit random. ‘Mr Perrin and Mr Traill’ is a film te-in so understandable, some have a higher price, completely different artwork or a variation of the original but ‘Maigret to the Rescue’ is exactly the same! Several people have said to me they thought there were only a couple but so far I have found 19 titles with 21 covers in the just numbers series but why did a couple need two versions, was it just to follow the current house style? I’m always on the look out for more or ones in better condition as one or two are a little the worse for wear over the years. Click HERE to see them in detail.

I’ve been going through the bits and pieces I got from Steve Chibnall at the Paperback Book Fair and one of them was a display card for new titles of the month but as to which one? I think it must be around October 1969 as a quick check lists most from then. Click HERE to see the card and a compilation of the featured titles. I did wonder if the holes were a later addition but they seem to be more die cut than punched.

It was good to see Steve Jones at the Paperback Book Fair and just wished I’d taken my copy of ‘The Art of Pulp Horror’ for him to sign but as it is a bit weighty I did the same as I did with Steve Chibnall’s heavy volume ‘Minatare Masterpieces’, and that is leave them at home. Seeing Steve Jones made me get my copy of his book down off the shelf and I noticed something I had missed up to now and that is I actually have the original artworks for those on page 186.