Wishing PAN Fans everywhere a very
Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
A while ago Tony Whithorn‘s son, Steve, wrote to me to tell me abut a book his father wrote. As it was hard to obtain he very kindly sent me a copy which I am about to commence reading. It is called ‘That Certain Feeling’ and is quite a weighty tomb so not a quick read. Steve also very kindly sent me some printers proof covers mostly from PAN but a few Panthers. I’m presuming they are titles for which Tony wrote the back cover blurb. Steve said there were also a few Flemings which he has kept and I don’t blame him.

Having had a triple stent procedure I am now back at home where I am supposed to be taking it easy which is a good excuse for sitting around reading books – as if I needed one! Although I can’t drive for a few week my son is coming to pick us up to go down to Kent for Christmas where I hope to visit a few bookshops if they are open.