PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

‘Dumb Witness’, ‘PAN Record’ Number 34, and ‘Understanding Science’ & Derek A Stowe

This weeks cover used over several editions is PAN 82 ‘Dumb Witness’ by Agatha Christie and is a Hercule Poirot novel from 1937. Between 1949 and 1954 there were at least five editions using the same artwork, albeit modified on some, by J. H. Bruce. Both the 1949 and 1950 editions were printed by Typographie Firmin-Didot, Mesnil, France while the 1954 was printed by Richard Clay and Company, Bungay, Suffolk and has a Flexiback Thermoplastic Binding and not a repair as often described by sellers.

Since I mentioned obtaining the ‘PAN Record’ number 34 last week I have scanned the pages in and added it to the ‘PAN Record’ page. In the past I have tried several different ways of offering the magazines to be read but either the software is too expensive to justify it, the ‘free’ version is to limited or full of ads or the software goes out of fashion like the reader I was using based on flash. At the moment I have only scanned in 30 and 34 but if it is a long cold winter I might be adding more.

One of my favourite artists was the sadly missed Derek A Stowe. I used to ring him up regularly and we would chat about this and that and put the world to rights. It was while putting a page together for him I started looking at ‘Understanding Science’, a magazine published in 144 weekly parts by Sampson Low of which Derek did a large proportion of the artwork. I have become fascinated of late as to how much mileage they got out of these magazines publishing them not only in English but in Spanish. The artwork was also used for several different compilations around a specific science area. My intention is to scan all the 144 covers and put them on a site along with all the spinoffs. To that end I bought a few in German from a bookseller in Czechia called ‘BookBot’ and I’ve been really pleased with the service and especially the price. The hardback copies are the size of an encyclopedia and cost just over £2 each while the carriage was just £4 and they came, very well wrapped, within 5 days. To see an example click HERE

Category: PAN Books
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