PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

‘The Recon Crew’, ‘Jaws’, ‘The Nine Bad Shots of Golf’ and Pop Up Bookshop

I picked up a couple of titles by G H Frost featuring his ‘Recon Crew’. It was the cover artwork by Gino d’Achille that attracted me, even my wife said she liked the first one. Apparently Frost was also the author of at least five ‘Able Team’ titles.

You can find some weird stuff on line and I was tempted by two sharks, one made from a gold colour metal and one white, featuring a 3D shark. The back shows part of the PAN cover for Jaws’ from a later edition going on the tag line ‘It’s never safe to go back in the water’ and the word ‘JAWS’ is in the shark teeth style PAN used devised by Ken Hatherley. Not bad for a penny each. The seller said they are coins minted in 2000 to commemorate the 25th Anniversary?

I have two copies of ‘The Nine Bad Shots of Golf’ with distinctly different coloured covers. I’m wondering if one has been in the sun too long but would the brown turn green or visa versa? They are identical in every other respect.

Good to see the pop up bookshop was back in Wolverhampton where it will be until the end of the month. Unfortunately there was nothing that grabbed my attention even though there were more tables and shelves than last time. There is too much contemporary fiction for my taste unfortunately but they seem to be doing a good trade otherwise.