Thanks to Maurice at Zardoz Books I now have four more printer’s proofs for PAN titles. One of them is for a book I mentioned recently, namely ‘Lovely She Goes’ by William Mitford and another for ‘Masquerade at the Wells’ by Lorna Hill.
I picked up a copy of ‘The Kappillan of Malta’ from the secondhand bookshop at the NT property of Shughborough Hall. I thought I had already got it but this copy was in better condition. When I went to swap them over I realised they were not the same. They are both 1975 but one is a 1st and one a 2nd printing with a cover by Harry Hants. I’m wondering why PAN felt the need to change it so soon although I prefer the 2nd printing.
Just to prove that Kyle Onstott and Lance Horner didn’t have sole rights to ‘slave’ genre books, here is one by Nancy Cato. ‘Brown Sugar’ was published by PAN in 1977 and although the cover is in the same style as many others I don’t know the artist. The NEL edition, included on the page, has a less salacious cover but I was intrigued by how much of the blurb on the backs is the same.