PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Logo, George Millar and a Picador video?

Thank you to Peter Miller who let me know he had an article in ‘The Penguin Collector’ number101 before it was sent out. It is regarding the fallacy that Mervyn Peake designed all the PAN logos when in fact it was only the first six titles published without a number that he had a hand in. From PAN Number 1 onwards it was a design by Edward Young.

Two of Meryn Peake’s designs.

A while back I was pontificating on why PAN felt the need to issue two printings of ‘N or M?’ just a year apart with so similar covers, I am now wondering the same as to why the two covers for ‘Maquis’ from 1956 and 1957? I do think the later by Rex Archer is a better cover with the earlier one by Carl Wilton looking, in my opinion, indistinct. I pulled my other two George Millar titles of the shelf and have added them to the site. They are X16 ‘Horned Pigeon’ and ‘The Bruneval Raid’

I have mentioned Peter Tietjen a couple of times as he worked for PAN in the studios in the 1970s. He has a few albums of PAN related bits and pieces online and I dip into them now and again. This time it’s a video they made while experimenting with animation and features the word ”PIcador’ It is from 1975. Click HERE if you want to watch it, it lasts just over a minute.

Category: PAN Books
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