PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

Gino D’Achille and Recycled Artwork

As promised last week I’ve scanned in my artwork by Gino D’Achille and although not PAN, Panther is close! Click HERE to see it.

I also bought a copy of ‘Anticipation’ about the French mainly sci-fi series of books published by Fleuve Noir. Some sellers are asking over £50 for a copy so when I saw it at 12 euros on Amazon I ordered a copy. I then got a message from the seller asking where the price came from as it should be 25 euros? I said that was the price shown and then expected the order to be cancelled but it wasn’t and honoured at the price quoted. The postage was also 12 euros but turns out it was sent from a publishers here in the UK so maybe a bit step. Could be the postage and book price got mixed up but I’m happy.

Many of the covers were recycled from the ‘Young Artists’ group in the UK some starting out as PAN covers.. When I mentioned this on Facebook Jean-Daniel Brèque commented  “ALL of them were recycled. I know at least two writers who worked for Fleuve Noir at the time and who regularly went to the office of the publisher to pick their covers in advance. My friend Michel Pagel, who was working on a tetralogy, specifically picked up four Les Edwards covers featuring a skull in order to make his books stand out”

To see a couple of Terry Oakes covers click HERE. Jean-Daniel also mentioned a website which shows many examples, click HERE to go to the page for Terry Oakes then maybe use the search and go to the Les Edwards page.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” was supposedly said by Lao Tzu and I feel a bit like that with “The scanning of a thousand plus books starts with number one” I’m embarking on the task of rescanning all my numbered titles which would be 2,391 if they only had one edition but some have several different covers such as “Lost Horizon”. I’m also using it as a chance to rebuild my spreadsheet. So far I’ve done all of numbers 1 and 2!This is the spreadsheet so far, still deciding if this is all the columns I’ll need? I’ve got thumbnails images as comments so they appear when I hover over plus hyperlinked to the image so I can edit them easily if need be.

I came across this newspaper article which seemed to be particularly pertinent after talking about the above.

I had to get a copy of Justin Marriott’s new publication “Hot Lead” (available from Amazon) as the cover features ‘Hart’ draw by Gino d’Achille although he now appears to be left handed. I’ve show all the ‘Hart covers’ before but HERE is the link again.I have looked for some affordable original Gino artwork for a while and only this week realised I’ve had one for years. While sorting non PAN books I looked on the back of a Panther title of which I have the artwork and it is credited to Gino, something I’ve missed before. When I locate the artwork I’ll put it on a blog.

More Exhibitors Campaign books, a couple of photos and the library

I’ve added four more scans of Exhibitors Campaign books that also show PAN titles issued to go with the film releases. They can be seen with the previous two HERE

On Facebook recently there have been a couple of photos from Australian trade journals featuring PAN. I just love the book stand and I am tempted to go through all the titles and put ‘hotspots’ to my webpages for them all but then again maybe not.

… and as promised last week some pictures of my ‘Library’ but unfortunately my camera, which has stood me in good stead for many years, decided to play up. Click HERE to see some slightly out of focus shots of work still in progress hence some untidy bits!

Shelving, Saucy Postcards and Exhibitors Books.

All the shelving is now in place for my library and I’m slowly putting books on shelves and generally tidying up. I will include some photos next week so be warned.

I’ve just picked up a printers proof sheet on eBay for PAN’s “Saucy Postcards Annual 2” which I’ve scanned in and included HERE. I was very disappointed to find my first book of postcards has a very damaged cover which I’d not noticed until I scanned it so I’ve temporarily included an image from the web.

I also picked up some exhibitors campaign books for two films which have PAN book tie-ins and show the covers of the editions published at the same time which are HERE.

Finally we bit the bullet and went away in our camper in spite of the weather forecast and it was not too bad, just a little wet and not as cold as predicted. The site had electricity on prepayment meters and when we arrived ours still had £6.35 credit. No matter how hard I tried with everything switched on I only managed to reduce it by £3.00! While there we visited Coughton Court and I was hoping to include a photo in the section “as seen in National Trust” properties. I found a run of Dick Francis but my wife said they didn’t count as they were in the second-hand book shop!

Library Part 1, Mazes and a couple of “Well spotted”

This week I will be assembling and then stocking 600 feet of books shelves which are stacked in my ‘library’ This is about three quarters of the amount I think I can fit in with the rest becoming available when the book stacks on the floor get transferred to the shelves. The ones in the photo are later titles with ISBN’s which will be shelved in alphabetical order.

I was pleased to get a ‘comment’ last week from Bert Whetstone who said:

“I’ve been a fan of Koziakin’s “Mazes” series of books since I was a kid in the 1970s. These are the books titled like “Mazes 2” and they were a bit more complex than the “Mazes For Fun” series.
Information on Koziakin is hard to come by, but a few months ago I bought a 1973 jigsaw puzzle maze by Koziakin which had some information about him on the back of the box.
Koziakin is of Russian descent, born in Yugoslavia during WWII. His family immigrated to the USA from Germany in 1947, to the east side of NYC. In the late 60’s he worked as a Graphic Artist for NBC on The Tonight Show and The Today Show. He began publishing his maze books in April 1971.
As it turns out he also produced maze greeting cards and a 6-foot “hanging maze” banner. The “hanging maze” along with the maze jigsaw were manufactured by Gameophiles Unlimited which seems to have been a small specialty gaming manufacturer located in NYC.
Aside from that, I have reason to believe Koziakin is still alive and resides in northeast New York state. But that’s all I can tell you”

After looking through US Whitepages I replied to Bert to say I’d found a Vladimir  Koziakin living at Redkill RD, Fleischmanns, NY 12430 but I’d also found a death record for someone of the same name. Unfortunately as my wife’s subscription to Ancestry is only for the UK I couldn’t check it the States.

In July 1973 the ‘Daily Mirror’ used two of Koziakin’s mazes on their ‘Junior Mirror’ page and also mention that PAN Book 2 was available. You can see them HERE if you scroll down. This might just be me but I was amused by the advert for ‘painful piles’ next to the maze. The only painful piles I’ve had lately is when stacks of books have fallen on my head but hopefully soon to be a thing of the past!

I’ve realised, after the reference last week to ‘PAN as seen on television’ I’ve not got a page for ‘PAN as seen in films’ as now, thanks to a suggestion from Robin Harbour, I’ve found a PAN featured in the film ‘The Spy With A Cold Nose’. Any more references grateful received.

I’ve also got a screen shot from the TV series ‘Grand Designs’ thanks to Bazeer Fulmore in Australia who spotted a shelf full of Shute titles. Bazeer runs the fantastic site and I’ve appointed him my Australian agent (maybe I should tell him this?) This edition of ‘Grand Designs’ featured a property in Northern Ireland first shown in the UK in September 2017. We used to watch GD but Kevin McCloud who presents it is so full of ‘doom and gloom’ as to the outcome because they’ve not got a project manager etc, which always resolves itself after the last adverts, we’ve stopped watching it. Looks like we may need to start again.


PAN Classics and a couple of updates.

With the ‘library’ room actually finished I now need to order the shelving, well enough for two thirds as I need floor space to sort the jumbled stacks of books into alphabetical order before putting them on the shelves. I’m also hoping to catalogue them all at the same time but I’ll see how long that takes.

Amongst the first piles were several titles in the 1970’s series of ‘PAN Classics’ which was the successor to the ‘Bestsellers of Literature’ series from the 1960’s (another page that really does need updating) I usually like to show the actual cover I have but I seem to be several short so I’ve resorted to images off the web which will be updated as I go along. Click HERE to see them so far. I’m also looking at the later series from around 1980 as they often used the same artwork and some of these list the artist.
t’s interesting in that when I bought my boxed set it was very cheap as it only had five of the six titles. I knew I had a copy of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ which I could put in it but try as I might I couldn’t squeeze it in with the others. I’ve just noticed on eBay someone selling a set and asking £50 but I’m more interesting working out if they are the same thickness as mine, where’s that ruler?
A couple of updates including a scan of a copy of Daphne du Maurier’s ‘The Progress of Julius’ which I’ve shown as a web image for quite a while but have now got one of my own,

As with these things I just said I’d not added to my “PAN as seen on Television” section for quite a while and then add one a couple of weeks ago and followed by two in the last week

‘The Totem’, Jooce Garrett and some newspaper clippings.

Last week the UK ground to a halt because of Siberian wind and snow dubbed the ‘Beast from the East’ by the papers or ‘Winter’ as we call it. No post here for days but a rack and pinion railway engine I bought off eBay in the States arrived in just over a week! 

Last week I mentioned finding another George Sharp cover, ‘The Totem’ by David Morrell. I emailed George and he replied that it is actually him modelling and the shot was taken by a photographer at Artists Partners.

I’ve also been trying to make sense of all the PAN Classics titles and editions and found six Austen titles from 1981 were painted by Jooce Garrett who now lives in Switzerland. I sent him an email and he very kindly replied;

“I will gladly add what I can to your fine website. First off, as you will see when I dig out the artwork and take the photo you want, that I am a chap. I have put together a list of the jobs I did for Pan, mostly for David Larkin, but latterly with Gary Day-Ellison. I was with Artist Partners and, though I did occasionally make the pilgrimage out west from Soho, mostly they took the briefs and did the running around. I was impressed with the freedom David gave me. The instruction back then was to leave the top third of a book jacket free for the type, but David let me do those little vignettes on the Jane Austens. I think the red is his scribbles on my roughs. I’ll be in touch again when I’ve taken that photo”

I’m not sure what happened, typing mistake possibly, but I addressed Jooce as Ms, looks like he has forgiven me. Jooce also included a list of other covers he did for PAN and I’ll try and track them down to add later, luckily he included the year as well so that will help. As for getting hold of the six Austen titles, that’s proving difficult due to my constant complaint of sellers not showing the actual coves, just stock images. Any way here is one of them plus the rough Jooce mentioned.

As Jooce mentioned Artist Partners as did George I asked if they knew each other but seems they only knew of each other.

Lastly HERE are a random selection of press cuttings featuring ‘The Botts’, Alan founder of PAN Books and his wife Josephine.

More from Robin, a couple of covers and another from George.

As promised last week here are more pages from the film exhibitors campaign books I scanned from photocopies Robin Harbour had from Anthony Southall.
There are several large pages that all mention PAN Books. They may load slowly but they can be found HERE.

Again while sorting I’m left pondering “Was it really worth it?” when I see covers a couple of years apart looking very similar. They were both for ‘The Spy Who Came In From The Cold’ one from 1974 and the other 1979. All I can think is that the 1979 edition was designed to look like the other Carre covers with the stylised name.

….. and yet another cover from prolific artist George Sharp which I’ve emailed to him as he says he can’t remember a lot of them but they bring back memories of the time. This is another Morrell cover from 1979. I’m awaiting his response.

A Visit from Robin plus another PAN/Ballantine

I was really pleased to get an email from James Bond aficionado Robin Harbour to say he had just acquired the exhibitors campaign book for ‘You Only Live Twice’ and as it mentioned the PAN edition published to coincide with the film release, was I interested? As it was A3 and Robin doesn’t have a scanner big enough he offered to pop round with it and luckily he doesn’t live that far away.

One of the pages not only shows the book but also extra display pieces. To see them click HERE. The photo of the rocket was one Graham Rye of “007 Magazine” sent me a while back while the other two are from Nick Bennetts collection. Over the page were details of a competion run by W H Smith for window displays, the accompanying photo was a mock up showing all the bits being used. To see previously shown displays click HERE.

I’m always on the look out for PAN/Ballantine joint publications and have now got another one to add to the list. It is “The Basic Book of Organic Farming” with a cover by David Larkin who was art director at PAN at the time.

While Robin was here he also brought photocopies of other campaign books featuring PAN’s which he got from Anthony Southall. I’ve scanned them in and although the quality is not as good as they would be straight from the originals I’ll shown them next week.

…. and finally the answer to last weeks puzzle was less than a centimetre.