PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

“Operation Frankton”, Gordon Young, ‘Hat’ Westerns and Glenn Steward

It was while looking through some photos from October 2023 I came across this one I took of a plaque alongside the Mersey in Birkenhead. It was to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of ‘Operation Frankton’ which is probably better known as the book and film ‘The Cockleshell Heroes’ I wondered why it seem familiar and looking back I find I mentioned the 80th anniversary in 2022 but not the plaque.

Having documented Gordon Young’s experiences at PAN in a couple of articles I’ll just add this bit as it  mentions a silver PAN and what he got up to after leaving the company.
“During a visit to Malta he called on a wholesaler who had a silver gilt figure of Pan that caught his eye. He was offered it and gave it to Aubrey Forshaw who kept it on his desk until he presented it to Gordon in 1963 for selling a million books on behalf of Pan. In 1963 Gordon left to take over the family business but his love of books remained and after it was sold he became involved with King’s Bookshop in Lymington which he ran from 1984 to 1993″
King’s Bookshop, which opened in 1805,  was taken over by Ottackers in 2001 and then by Waterstones. Here is Gordon with the aforementioned statue of PAN and the flag from the ‘Laloun’ which he gave to the PAN archives.

Click HERE for part one, HERE for part two of Gordon’s story if you’ve not read it.

After talking to Rog Peyton, who is currently compiling a list of all the early PAN titles and their artists, I have rescanned all 12 ‘Hat Westerns’ and added the cover artists as he queried a couple. Most of them are by Pat Owen but the later covers are by Edward Mortelmans with his signature being on the extreme lower edge.

I have several cover artist I’m particularly fond of and amongst them is Glenn Steward having many examples of his work and not just for PAN. Whilst unsuccessfully trying to find out anything about Glenn one thing does crop up, that he was art editor of ‘Coureur, the magazine for the Sporting Cyclist’ and HERE is a couple of examples of artwork he did for it. I know he was still working in the 1990s but then …….? Can any one help?

Jack Higgins Signed, Arthur Eperon, a Zippo Lighter and a ‘Wants List’

It was nice to start the New Year by getting hold of a signed copy of ‘Passage by Night’ by Jack Higgins which I’ve added to the page which also features the original artwork I have by Keith Scaife.

A while back I featured some Arthur Eperon titles and promised to add some more but then had an unexpected sojourn in hospital. Now back a home being very bored as I’m not supposed to do several things, including driving, I’ve scanned in some more Eperon titles and added them to the existing page.

Having featured a couple of PAN branded items in the past I pushed the boat out on a Zippo lighter. Once again it was one of those ‘make an offer’ and from the way they came back accepting it almost instantly I wish I had gone a lot lower – how many times have I said that!

Fellow PAN collector, Bill Neal in Australia, contacted me last week to let me know he reckons there are 1,211 titles with the original PAN logo of which he has 1,204. He has sent me his ‘wants’ list and I’m wondering if any of us can help? They are 21 ‘The Black Spectacles‘, 156 ‘Nothing So Strange‘, 183 The Sea Tower’, G194 ‘Legend in the Dust’, G211 ‘Courage of the North’, M15 ‘The Run for Home’ and X103 ‘Showcase’

Happy New Year, Piccolo Explorers and Printers

Wishing all PAN Fans a happy 2024 and that you manage to find all those titles you have been after for so long. I’m hoping to cross a few off my list including a couple with elusive dust jackets and of course it goes without saying X705 ‘PAN Junior Crosswords Book 3’

Several years ago I though I had completed the Piccolo Explorers series with about 73 titles and editions. It was while looking for something else I came across a title in the Exploders series for Bible stories I’d not seen before. I now find there are six titles in this series but not readily available unless I’m in Malta. I found them at 1 euro each and added them to my cart. It was only when I came to the checkout and it added shipping I changed my mind, they only wanted 190 euros!

There was a post on Facebook from Renai Gard who said “I’ve only ever found a very small number of Pan’s Paris range of paperbacks from the 1940’s. Maybe four or five in sixteen or seventeen years of conscientious book-looking” This got me wondering how many were printed in France so I looked in Richard William’s PAN Books Guide and found he lists several different French printers plus a couple of Austrian ones and some just Printed in France. I’ve found examples of all the printers which you can see HERE There are probably more and I hope to do the same with UK printers.

Happy Christmas, Tony Whitehorn and Health Update.

Wishing PAN Fans everywhere a very
Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

A while ago Tony Whithorns son, Steve, wrote to me to tell me abut a book his father wrote. As it was hard to obtain he very kindly sent me a copy which I am about to commence reading. It is called ‘That Certain Feeling’ and is quite a weighty tomb so not a quick read. Steve also very kindly sent me some printers proof covers mostly from PAN but a few Panthers. I’m presuming they are titles for which Tony wrote the back cover blurb. Steve said there were also a few Flemings which he has kept and I don’t blame him.

Having had a triple stent procedure I am now back at home where I am supposed to be taking it easy which is a good excuse for sitting around reading books – as if I needed one! Although I can’t drive for a few week my son is coming to pick us up to go down to Kent for Christmas where I hope to visit a few bookshops if they are open.

Crosswords Part 5, ‘Hotel’ by Arthur Hailey and a great video from J B

As promised here are a few other PAN books with a link to crosswords which I’ll call PART 5. There are at least four Jumbo books but I’ve only found the one shown and as for the ‘Easy Puzzles’ I’m not paying the silly price being asked which seems to start at £35 pounds and goes upwards. I think I have a few more random crossword related titles, possibly Piccolos,  and I’ll add them to the page as I find them. PAN also published dozens of crossword books for the Daily/Sunday Telegraph starting in the late 80’s but I’m not going down that route!

It was while I was looking at this photo of Arthur Hailey and family in Australia after receiving his ‘Golden PAN Award’ for selling a million copies of ‘HOTEL’ I thought I’d look as see how many I have. I didn’t realise it was eight with the latter three having minor variants to the cover. These three are all dated 1983 so I sequenced them by price. I’ve often had problems working out dates so price might be the way to go.

Once again Jules Burt has produced an excellent video which looks at my collection of negatives for reference photos used by Sam Peffer for his covers. This is PART 1 of three parts and I’m really looking forward to seeing what Jules will be doing in the others. (If you don’t subscribe to his channel you will get a couple of ads first)

Happy 24th Birthday, Arthur Eperon and Agatha Christie

How time flies. I’ve nearly missed TiKiT’s 24th birthday next Saturday on the 16th due to unforeseen circumstances which have resulted in me typing this from my hospital bed. On the 1st I got blue lighted to A&E with a heart attack. Now awaiting a triple stent procedure today and then, fingers crossed, as back to normal as can be expected. NB: Not had time to update the next post but the Eperon titles will be added ASAP.

For those thinking about planning their holidays they could always use Eperon’s French Regional Guides of which PAN published nine that I have found. They all feature cover artwork by Claire Davies but on trying to track her down there are too many artist with that name. I’ve also included several other titles of his on the page such as those from the ‘Travellers’ series. Arthur Eperon was born in 1919 and died in 2000. He began his career in the regional press joining the Steatham News as a trainee but his career was interrupted by the war, when he served in the RAF before being taken prisoner, He was one of the prisoners in Stalag Luft 3 who fooled the German guards in one of the great escapes by jumping over the famous wooden horse. He was able to join the Daily Herald when he came back from the war, because of his NUJ card, working alongside Michael Foot and John Betjeman. He became travel editor and left for The Sun in 1969, using his well-honed expertise to create a direct, journalistic approach to the travel column. After leaving newspapers he became a consultant to ITV’s ‘Wish You Were Here’, then published the bestseller Traveller’s France and a host of follow-ups, as well as contributing columns to magazines and newspapers.

In an email from the Agatha Christie Collectors Group they were suggesting suitable presents for Christie fans. One leapt out at me and made me wonder if the cards were from Duns Tew Publishing but on looking at the list these titles don’t appear. It was on Etsy but I don’t think I’ll go for it this season as I don’t know any Christie fans who might like the pack (which would probably have had the cards surreptitiously removed!)

Crosswords Part 4, Keith Scaife and Alan Cracknell.

  • As promised here is PART 4 of my collection of PAN crossword books from 1972 to 1983. There are not quite as many covers missing as there were thanks to Ian who has supplied a few scans but if anyone has any of the others to add to the page please get in touch. There are also a few with two editions having different designs so even more to watch for plus a couple of colour variants but that might just be fading. There will be a PART 5 next week with a random selection of crossword related titles.

It was really nice to meet up again last week with artist Keith Scaife at his mother’s house in Leek. Thank you to both for the warm welcome and the cups of coffee. On my first visit I acquired the artwork for ‘The Iron Tiger’ by Jack Higgins and this time it was to pick up a Christmas present to myself, the other six Higgin’s covers Keith painted. I was annoyed as I had forgotten to take the books for Keith to sign but when, on returning, I got them off the shelf I found he had from last time we met, must be old age! Now to try and sort out frames, as always a dilemma. Keith started out as a model maker and has gone back to that. He is currently working on a commission for a collector in Italy and this time it’s for exact replicas of the models from the TV series ‘UFO’, of which most of the originals have been lost over the years. After this he will move onto ‘Space 1999’ Below are ‘UFO’ Dinky models from around the mid 1970s of which I have the first two but not Ed Straker’s car.

Last week I mentioned Bruce Edward’s book on Alan Cracknell. Now I have had a more in depth look it does show how good an artist he was over a very wide range of media. Having said that I do have one disappointment in that it mentions Enid Blyton covers bit doesn’t feature any. If I had know I could have offered my two PAN Piccolo titles for inclusion.

Crosswords Part 3, Alan Cracknell and Glenn Steward.

PART 3 of the crossword book collection focusses on those from the late 1960s which now have SBNs. The design of these covers is the same as the later ones with PANs eclectic numbering system. A few are proving to be elusive so once again if you have a spare copy or can let me have a scan I would love to add it to the page.

I was pleased to receive a letter from Evelyn Cracknell, artist Alan’s wife, to let me know a book entitled ‘An Enchanted Eye : The Art of Alan Cracknell’ was now available. I used to sort of be Alan’s agent as he didn’t email and, as I have mentioned Alan Cracknell on my site, people emailed me so I would phone him to ask if he wanted to make contact. He was a lovely man and we had long conversations over the phone. The book is £22.99 plus £5 p&p and is available from Boscobel Books. If you are interested then email to contact Bruce Edwards, the author, for more details.

I do like to collect artwork by Glenn Steward and just wish I could find out more about him apart from he was an enthusiastic cyclist. My latest acquisition is the PAN cover artwork for ‘Cabbage Holiday’ by Anthony Thorne. PAN also published ‘Young Man on a Dolphin’ by him. I also acquired another non PAN cover by Glenn Steward and what is annoying is that when I first saw it a while ago I did a reverse image search and got the title. Now that no longer finds so I posted on several appropriate Facebook page and, sorry to say, just got silly answers. Here it is so if anyone can help please get in touch.

Sorry if anyone got a message this morning when they looked at this blog. I’ve been meaning to update the version of WordPress for a long time and it went smoothly. I then decided up update the PHP data base from 7.4 to 8.1 which promptly crashed the blog. I had this happen before but I though as it was a later version of WordPress it would be worth a try. No problem I thought, I’ll just switch back to 7.4 like last time but it was no longer on the list as an option. Luckily a message to my hosting site managed it for me so we are back up and running but if anyone knows enough to sort the problem please get in touch.

Crosswords Part 2, A Couple of Misses and June ’69 New Titles List

As promised last week here is the link to PART 2 of the PAN crossword books series. This time it’s for the junior titles which also includes Piccolo titles of which the first 8 are reprints of the PAN editions but the later 4 are original. It was while scanning the Piccolo covers I noticed that the layout of number 9 is odd in that it reverts to that of the first printing of number 1. I’ve also included the 3 ‘bumper’ editions with each having selections from the previous PAN/Piccolo titles. As you’ll see from the lists on the page I am a few titles short in this series including the elusive X705 so as usual if you can help please email me.

Last week I heard from Stuart Webb who let me know he had recently managed to acquire an original cover by J. Oval (Ben Ostrick) on eBay The seller had two but one had sold on the 29th October while Stuart purchased his on the 2nd November. They were both for Heyer titles but I was left wondering how I missed them but on looking at the dates I realise we had the family from Kent visiting that week as it was half term and I am ‘banned’ from the computer for the duration (I do sneak looks on my phone!) Congratulations to Stuart and the A N Other as they are very nice buys.

Here is the last of my current batch of New Titles Lists for June 1969. Once again it is in ‘glorious’ colour (who thought this was a good idea?) especially as it shows a Bond white cover in maroon.

Crosswords Part 1, New Titles List February ’70, Josephine Tey and How Long!!!!

As promised I am starting to rescan the front and back covers of all my crossword books I currently have, from the 1950s up to the 80s. I have split them into four parts to use over this and the next three weeks. I will say the earlier ones had a lot more going for them but some of the colour combinations of the later ones are not bad. Today it is PART 1 with the crossword books having PAN’s eclectic numbers. If you see any gaps and find you have a spare copy or can scan the missing covers please let me know so we can make the pages as complete as possible.

This time it’s the new titles list for the 6th February 1970. There seems to be, sadly, fewer and fewer painted covers and more photos as time goes by but it does have Wilbur Smith titles on the front. I’m  pleased to say I do have some of Hans Helweg’s roughs for these covers but I would really to know where the  finished originals ended up. It does have the usual six pages plus a double sided stock list and this time a flyer for ‘Incident of Hill 192’

I don’t know how Jules Burt finds the time to produce his excellent videos bur very pleased he does. Click on the image to see a recent one featuring Josephine Tey with covers from PAN and other publishers.

While looking for PAN crossword books I came across the jumbo series by Mike Grimshaw and was pleased to find a copy of Book 4 on Amazon with fast delivery included in my Prime account, goodness knows how long it might have been otherwise!