PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

A Weird Coincidence, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and PAN 335

The artwork I successfully bid on at auction eventually arrived and while looking at the roughs for covers I don’t think were ever used the address on the label sounded familiar. Straight to Google for a search and it came up with the reason why. It was on the news as Banksy recently painted a couple of elephants on the end of a building and it was on number 10 right next door to 9. Click HERE to see the Banksy and also the rough and if anyone has any idea if it was actually used pleased let me know.

I was hoping to make it a trio of Nobel Prize for Literature winning authors in Picador last week but could only think of Steinbeck (1962) and Hemingway (1954) and they were published as PANs. Since then I’ve Googled to see a list of winners and I found I had forgotten all about Gabriel Garcia Marquez which was an oversight as at least three covers proclaim the win on their front covers. Four of the covers are by artist Gary McAvers and all I can find out about him was that he is American.  If I made a blog just about winners published as PANs I should also include Rudyard Kipling (1907), William Butler Yeats (1923) and Pearl Buck (1938)

This weeks two covers with the same number very close together date wise is for PAN 335 ‘The Trojan Horse’ by (Ralph) Hammond Innes (1914-1998) The 1955 edition has artwork by Barrow while the 1957 has it by Graham R Barkley. I can’t see if there was any reason for a change such as film tie-in but I think I prefer the later version although I believe there is a chase in the sewers of London. I may have to read the book to see which is most faithful to the story line.

Category: PAN Books
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